Im just curious....?!
Im just curious....?
can vegans eat animal crackers? lol
Do you know, way way way back in the mists of time, I think I might have chuckled the first time I heard that one.
Of course, it's not like animals crackers are made from animals.
Although would they feel bad because I mean they are still eating animals?!?!
Only if it doesn't have any animal by products in them. some do you need to check the labels.
Sure why not.
I do. I like biting the heads off the little camels. They also make Spongebob Squarepants ones that I love eating too. :)
eat cats
people should stop asking this question, its not funny or original
If they're vegan. Think real hard... also, check the archives before you ask: I think this question is asked every day or so.
don't know...can you?
of course! im one, and i do
How original.Give yourself a pat on the back.
how many times is this going to be asked?????
go eat a vegie burger or get some tofurky then maybe you'll be able to ask sensible questions.
OMG thats hilarious and very original
So boring.