Is it legal for a store to wax organic fruits?!
Is it legal for a store to wax organic fruits?
I believe my store may be putting wax in the produce misters as the fruits and vegetables seem to get shinier the longer they sit there.
Also how are you suppose to remove the pestisides from nonorganic fruits if they are under a coat of wax? I have not found a veggie wash that does not smell exacting like an engine degreaser that I spent years using in the military and have developed skin reactions to.
not at all..
My answer is rooted in the EU organic certification regulations, so check out your locality's rules if different:
Produce may be waxed and certified organic if a permitted organic wax is applied. These permitted waxes are prescribed and defined. (see reference is 'sources' below)
I have never known an individual store to wax produce that, prior to arrival at the store, was not waxed, so that element of your question I can do very little with.
Certain fruits, non-organically produced, are also made available non-waxed (mainly citrus) for baking purposes etc. but otherwise it's scrub, scrub scrub.... :-(
Hope this helps just a little of the way at least.
Maybe if it's organic wax.
do you go back periodically to check the shine of the fruits?
under regulations from the food and drug administration yes, however they are SUPPOSED to inform the customer (like that ever happenns.) In fact, most stores charge MORE for it not being treated...go figure...paying more for something that isn't ther in the first place