Why are cranberry's in a lake?!
Why are cranberry's in a lake?
when you see different commericals they always have cranberry's in a lake.. whats the purpose?
Well its the way that they are harvested. The bushes are grown in a area that can be flooded. They require about a inch of water a week when they are growing that can be provided by sprinkler but during harvest they flood the field. Cranberries have pockets of air inside the fruit. Because of this, cranberries float in water, and thus, the bogs can be flooded to aid in removal of fruit from the vines. They have discovered that it is much eaiser to scoop up the floating berries rather than pick each one off of the bush. But there is a way for them to dry harvest the berries. Dry harvesting involves using walk-behind machines to rake the berries off the vines into boxes or bags. The fruit is delivered to fresh fruit receiving stations where it is graded and screened based on color and ability to bounce (soft berries will not bounce). Dry harvested cranberries are used to supply the fresh fruit market. (They bounce the water harvest as well. Water harvest berries uaually end up on our tables for Thanksgiving and Christmas.) Then after the harvest they flood all the fields to protect the bushes from winter.
some information provided by the cape cod cranberry grower's association
ya I think their called bogs
and their grown under and when their
ripe they float to the top.
ya i looked it up they fill it at harvest time
with water.((www.itsaruby.com))
The good cranberry's float and the rotten ones sink. That is how they know which berrys to use.
It only becomes a "bog" at harvest time, it helps collect the berries without bruising them. They flood the Field to pick the berries.
clever marketing--cranberries grow on bushes in bogs, the water released helps them arise and float to the top, easier to get/pick/harvest
they grow in a marsh.
you can learn more here, http://www.wiscran.org/
What's a bog?
to clean them