What are the side-effects of the aloa plant ?!
What are the side-effects of the aloa plant ?
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1 week ago
aloe rather
1 week ago
aloe rather
Reports suggest that the beneficial effects of Aloe vera gel are due to its high molecular weight components such as polysaccharides (Egger et al., 1996; Shida et al., 1985) and lectin-like proteins (Grindlay and Reynolds, 1986) and prostaglandins (Azfal et al., 1991). Aloe's anti-inflammatory effects may be due to a bradykinin-degrading glycoprotein (Yagi et al., 1987), and mannose-6-phosphate may have a role in the wound healing process (Davis et al., 1994).
It is also know for it's laxative effect.