Does Barques Root Beer have caffine in it?!
Does Barques Root Beer have caffine in it?
Yes it does Barq's Root Beer, 12 oz. can, 22 mg.
I dont belive so, no.
Yes, it does. If fact it is the only root beer that I know of that does. I'm sort of a root beer addict which makes me an un-official expert on the subject.
Yes, it does. I think A & W and Mugs doesn't though.
the person that said it is THE ONLY rootbeer to have caffeine was correct i once won $100 bet with my boss on that one
Yes it does except in certain locations
Barq’s Root Beer usually contains caffeine, but in Utah, any Barq’s distributed by Swire Coca-Cola is caffeine-free. I called Swire’s offices and was told the company has it specially produced because of the local market."
yeah it does.
i think the only big-name rootbeers that don't have caffiene are A&W and Mug.