I'm hungover, what should I eat?!
I'm hungover, what should I eat?
I'm hungover and starved! What can I eat that will be satisfying, but not too fattening? I really eat healthy most of the time and watch me weight. I don't want to sabatoge all of my efforts.
Yes, I am drinking TONS of water!
Here is some info that you might find useful:
Eating eggs the morning after provides energy like any other food, which is the primary benefit. But eggs do also contain large amounts of cysteine, the substance that breaks down the hangover-causing toxin acetaldehyde in the liver's easily depleted glutathione. Therefore, eggs can potentially help mop up the left-over toxins.
Eating bananas the morning after a night of heavy drinking provides lost electrolytes like any food would, but it also specifically replenishes the potassium lost to alcohol's diuretic effect. Other potassium-rich foods such as kiwi fruit or sports drinks work just as well.
The fructose -- fruit sugar -- in fruit juice helps to naturally increase the body's energy. Studies have proven that it also increases the rate at which the body gets rid of toxins such as those left over from alcohol metabolism. Fruit juice is also a good idea the morning after because it is high in vitamins and nutrients that were depleted the night before because of alcohol's diuretic effect. Vitamin supplements high in vitamins C and B are also effective.
Tea & Coffee will only dehydrate you more so stay away from those.
If I were you I'd make myself a nice omelette or some scrambled eggs and toast with some OJ and a banana.
Keep up your water intake and try to rest (time is the best cure). Take something for your headache if you have one, just stay away from Tylenol (acetaminophen), take some ibuprofen (Aleve, Advil).
Hope you feel better soon!
Cheese pizza always hits the spot for me.
If you're not TOO hung over, go for something semi-spicy like a taco or burrito. It will soak up some of the alcohol.
Good luck!
Boosting yur sytems with a few carbs helps to get over a hangover. Try something like pasta or a baked potato
a chicken sandwich
I was told by my father that a great hangover drink is called Snap e Tom's. It is mostly tomato juice, with some pepper juice, onion juice, etc. in it. They used to sell it in my supermarket, but perhaps not yours.
the only thing i could tolerate in that condition is a good fruit salad - pineapple, melon, grapes, strawberrys, etc.
They are light and help quench thirst, and if you eat a lot, it will fill you up without too many calories.
If i tried to eat anything "heavy" like meat, cheese, bread, greasy stuff, etc, i would feel like puking.
SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP..... no coffee which stunts sleep. Try anything with oils, that helps, or fats [pizza the best though you'd have to order that probably] but since I'm older I find chicken soup very hot, the best, but always crave carbs.... don't overload foods, so the soup might get you to fall asleep and settle your stomach too without too much 'weight' damage which sometimes does happen to me. You know the other regular remedies, I'm sure.
i would eat some bread and drink milk