Do you eat your cereal with cold milk or hot milk?!
Do you eat your cereal with cold milk or hot milk?
cold in summer, a little bit warm in winter, never have cereal with hot milk (too mushy)
i eat poo
Cold, hot is just gross.
cold is the way to go, dude.
I eat my cereal dry because I am allergic to milk.
cold milk....yum yum
i like cold milk but not much hot milk b/c it would taste bad
cold milk and cereal is nasty
Cold, hot would be icky.
Cheerios with cold milk. Cream of Wheat cook in warm milk.
cold all the way........
in Germany they eat their cereal with hot orange juice
isn't that random?
cold but now that u metioned it im going to try b4 i go to bed tonight ty
some people do it hot. i prefer cold one.
Cold. Do you really know of anyone who drinks it hot?
Always cold milk.
A friend of mine likes to mix coffee granules in with the milk too although I have to admit I've not tried it myself.
cold . ALWAYS. hot would be way too gross
hot milk would just cause the cereal to get soggy faster.
COLD,chilling. Hot milk will turn cereal into mush.
cold milk...I don't like anything I drink hot.
One time I tried putting hot milk on my Rice Krispies and they exploded. Apparently hot milk and cereal is explosive, so now I stick with cold milk, plus hot milk makes the cereal soggy faster.
cold please
Hot. I like it when it gets soggy and mushy, and I can't stand cold cereal. I admit I'm weird.
both but its better with yoghurt or even porridge