Pop rocks and coca cola?!
Pop rocks and coca cola?
has anyone every tried po rocks and coke.Some people *** up with these outrageous story how u will die or your inside of ur stomach blows up.But if u r a person who has actually experianced eating pop rock and coke cud u tell me wut rreally happens.
To get serious damage from Coke and Pop Rocks together, you'd have to consume a whole lot of them (like gallons and pounds). Period. Having normal amounts won't hurt you. The worst that they could give you is a stomachache. "Everything in moderation!"
I've had Coke and Pop Rocks together with absolutely no problems. It's just extra fizzy and tingly. =)
U'll throw up almost immediately and it will hurt so bad you'll never try it again.
That is so so not true. I Have eaten pop rocks so many times with Coke, And nothing happened. Your just get more fizz in your mouth. Thats it. Unless im like immortal lol.
I think it just tingles in your mouth -- A LOT. Find videos on YouTube by searching 'coke and pop rocks'.
They de-bunked this myth on Mythbusters. It really doesn't work.