If chlorine and fluoride is not good for you then why is it in the water?!
If chlorine and fluoride is not good for you then why is it in the water?
i don't understand why they would put these chemicals in our water to drink
Additional Details1 day ago
even small amount would eventually catch up with you. But don't for get fluoride is also in toothpast. what did they do before? and as far as people getting sick they are still getting sick.
and when you take a hot shower the chlorine turns into gases. I can smell them when I take a shower.
1 day ago
even small amount would eventually catch up with you. But don't for get fluoride is also in toothpast. what did they do before? and as far as people getting sick they are still getting sick.
and when you take a hot shower the chlorine turns into gases. I can smell them when I take a shower.
Chlorine is used to kill of the microbes that would otherwise infest our water systems. Your best bet is to get filters to take it out before you use it, or let you water stand so it can outgas. Note that you actually absorb quite a bit of chlorine while taking a shower, so it's best to not only filter your drinking water but your showerhead as well.
Fluoride is actually a biproduct of fertilizer manufacturing. When it was originally produced it harmed nearby farms. Rather than pay expensive costs to dispose of it, it was marketed as a tooth decay preventer. It can cause fluorosis, which is a cosmetic defect in teeth, and some believe it can be linked to other bone ailments.
Fluoride is one of the most toxic substances known to man, but supposedly it is 'safe' at the level it is added to drinking water. In the past few years, however, in my hometown we've been sent notices from the city letting us know that fluoride levels had gone above the standard set for drinking water. I don't know why they have difficulty controlling the levels.
Unfortunately the fluoride molecule is too small to be filtered out by most conventional water filters. You would have to get a rather expensive filter in order to eliminate fluoride in your drinking water.
You could always campaign politically to get them to stop fluoridating water. Try educating your officials. It's pretty easy to find information on the internet on fluoride through one of the search engines.
Fluoride is actually good for you, it helps strengthen your teeth's enamel. And chlorine because it disinfects but its not that harmful
because they are to lazy to use the good stuff
Too much of either one is harmful, but the amount used in city water isn't a problem. Chlorine at a certain level inhibits bacterial growth, and fluoride, since it actually bonds better with your teeth than calcium, makes your teeth stronger and more resistant to bacterial tooth decay.
Chlorine in its pure form is deadly.However the minute amounts used to kill microorganisims in water are safe for humans.Too much of anything can be deadly to people,the key is using just enough to kill bacteria but still be safe for human consumption.
They put small amounts of chlorine in water because it kills microbes which can make us sick. In general, bacteria and other small critters which can grow in water are a much bigger threat to our health than a little bit of chlorine.
In third world countries they often won't put anything in the water to help kill microbes and hundreds of people get sick and can even die from drinking the water every week.
There is a lot of debate about putting fluoride in the water and not every city does put it in there. It is supposed to help keep your teeth stronger, though. The places that put fluoride in their water have decided its benefits outweigh its risks.
Actually, what is added to water supplies is usually chlorine dioxide, versus pure chlorine gas. Chlorine dioxide isn't dangerous at the levels it is used for water treatment.
Fluoride is usually added in the form of sodium hexafluorosilicate or hexafluorosilicic acid in concentrations of 0.7 and 1.2 ppm, so this isn't significant at all in terms of health dangers.
Because the alternative is far far worse.
The value to a society of having clean safe drinking water cannot be overstated. If it takes a few or even a lot of relatively safe chemicals to insure that that supply of water remains safe it's worth it.
I've been telling people about the dangers and some listen some don't. Many people don't get it that the government isn't really interested in the welfare of the general public but are very concerned with money and profits. Pay offs, kick-backs, lobbyists, just follow the money to find out the truth.
David has it pegged. Good information there.
I use filters on showerheads, and we drink filtered, bottled water.
Some of you, would it matter if a 'minuscule' amount of arsenic was put in your glass of water daily? Sooner or later, I bet it would.