How long does Duvalin last?!
How long does Duvalin last?
I've had a box of Duvalin candies for a few months and they're kind of greasy looking on top now. Does that mean they've gone bad or is it like that stuff that collects on top of peanut butter? I ate one anyway, but I'm curious. And don't be a smartass and say check the expiration date because if they had one I wouldn't be asking this question.
LOL. I am so lame. I read the question & thought "Duvalin, tha mexican candy? It'll last as long as you want!" Mmmm.....Duvalin.
Anyway, i've never had stuff on my peanut butter, either. So I don't know what to tell you. Except that i'm gunna go eat me a Duvalin now.