Does Mountain Dew really kill off your sperm?!
Does Mountain Dew really kill off your sperm?
It's my favorite soda to drink, but someone told me that it kills your sperm. Is that true?
nope..big 'ole myth
No, it's not true.
yes it does and masturbating will make you go blind
I'm not a doctor, but I don't think so.
I mean come on, if it did, the Co. would be bankrupt.
no, it's just a stupid rumor
If your girlfriend douched with mountain dew immediately after intercourse, who knows if it would kill sperm.
Drinking mountain dew doesn't kill sperm. On the contrary, caffeine helps a man's fertility. It is recommended to drink caffeine if he wants his wife to get pregnant.
Yeah, you better be careful.
Oh, don't drink orange juice either- it's been known to cause something dreadful called "scurvy".
No, but they'll be really really hyper
Ha, yeah and no. Mountain Dew doesn't but the Yellow 5 it has in it does lower sperm count. Don't use it in lue of a condom though haha
Im 40....been drinking a few cans at least since the day it came out. i buy it by the case. i have 5 kids. sometimes...... just sometimes...I wish it would
No, Its just an urban myth
I'm a girl so I don't have any sperm anyway. I do l drink Diet Mountain Dew and have had no adverse affects so far.
No, No, No, My girl friend and I have thought for the longest time that was true but its NOT! We believed it so much that we went without birth control, and for 5 years everything was going good, but now shes pregnant, which is even cooler than what i thought. I'm so happy that I'm going to be a Daddy. But to answer your question again, No MD does not kill of the sperm Sorry.
only if you dump your sperm into a cup of mountain Dew:) no it won't kill off your sperm if you drink it.
Nope. It is a myth.
i remember when planned parenthood came to our school and we asked Q's and the answer to your Q is no but even i though that was true for the longest time
Some girl told me it makes you impotent, she said her boyfriend drank cases of the stuff and was the "five minute man" but maybe he was just that way anyway.