What's you favorite kool-aid flavor?!
What's you favorite kool-aid flavor?
I love black cherry!!! And next to that grape and orange. What's yours?
Also every try buying the big tub of Kool-aid and dip twizzlers in there and lick it off!! Extra de-lish!
i love the tropical punch with extra sugar! i actually add about 1/8-1/4 cup more sugar than they suggest to all flavors. Then I like grape, orange, & the black cherry, like you! PS - those kool aide singles are great!
Not even close - Black Cherry
i love cherry because come on now.its the original kind..and the mr koolaid dude is cherry flavored.HOW DELICIOUS
Grape is my favorite, strawberry, second
I really liked Mountain Berry.
yuck. They are loaded with artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, and other nasty stuff. Too much sugar. By the way, the red food color used in them (carmine) it made from crushed cochineal beatles. White sugar is filtered through "char" wich is cremated animal bones. Try some nice quality water or herb tea sweetened with honey or agave nectar.
My son and I love the blue raspberry flavor. I also love the lime. It is fun when made into freeze pops.
I like cherry also, but lemonade is my favorite.
come on definitely it's cherry.
Lemonade (the one where you add the sugar yourself) Sometimes the ones with the sugar already in them taste completely different.
I like the pink lemonade too, and also the grape.
Black Cherry is good, I guess that one would come next. I'm not crazy about the orange. Tastes too fake. If I am craving orange, I just drink orange juice! :-)
I like tropical punch, or mix cherry with lemonade or lime flavor, and freeze it into a slushy. mmmm