How do you make good popcorn?!
How do you make good popcorn?
I just buy the bag that has no kernels
I air pop it.
Yes, they still sell air poppers.
The orville reddenbacher's movie theater microwave popcorn is good. There is never any better than the old fashioned air popped...with lots of butter and salt. Do they even still sell air poppers??
I make mine the old-fashioned way. Hot oil or shortening, Orvile's popcorn and then salt when finished. No microwave for me.
Whichever microwave popcorn you choose and then add ranch seasoning or parmesan cheese. I also add cinnamon sugar to the sweet and buttery flavor popcorn.
Pop Secret.Microwave for about 2 minutes.Then salt it.Don't forget you can get a foam bowl and a little butter and melt it.Then pour it on your popcorn.Hope ya like!