What kind of snack is this? My kid needs this for a field trip.?!
What kind of snack is this? My kid needs this for a field trip.?
She needs a non-gooey, non-messy, non-juicy healthy snack, and it can't be chips, cookies, candy, etc. Fruits seem to fall into the juicy and messy catagory.
Sometimes I wonder if they do this just to see how much they can confuse the parents.
Humorous answers are welcome, but I do need a serious answer...
Well, I would suggest maybe something like carrot sticks, celery sticks, raisins...an apple (that has been cored and sliced, no disposal that way)....
try to make some vegetarian wraps. They're not messy and healthy!
Fig Newtons "they are not a cookie they are fruit"
whatever, clean- non messy,
Confuse the teacher - throw a raw potatoe and a can of beer in a bag and say it is the only thing in the house that meets the requirements. Joking really ....... i guess
sort of .... dumb teachers .
Flapjacks that are non sticky or small packets of non chocolate biscuits.
Packets of raisins, sultanas etc.
trailmix made with chex, peanuts, raisins, dried fruits, etc. string cheese maybe.
Nope. Not all fruits will end up in juicy and messy..
You can have some little little round fruits like grape or fresh cherry, even strawberry.
maybe guava..not juicy...type fruits.
Maybe also have some chocolate- biscuit stick, cereal bar, yogurt, wholemeal ham sandwich, etc
Some suggestions:
cheese slices with ritz crackers
peanut butter crackers,
mini rice cakes, some are flavored,
apple sauce,
carrot sticks
celery sticks
mini muffins
They don't leave you much to choose from. They should have to supply it if they are going to be that picky.