Why was the Powerhouse candybar of the early 80's discontinued?!
Why was the Powerhouse candybar of the early 80's discontinued?
This candybar was really good, it came in a blue package. Then they stopped making it after approximately 1 year of production. Why? What happened?
Originally, it was produced by the Walter Johnson Candy Company and weighed 4 ounces. In the 60's it was bought out by Peter Paul Candy, and over the years, the 4 ounces was reduced to a measly 2 ounces, not really a Powerhouse anymore. It was discontinued in 1988, presumably because it was no longer a sales Powerhouse!
The answer above is wrong - it had caramel, fudge, and peanuts, but not an array of fillings.
The powerhouse takes its name from having seven connected pieces each with seven different centers. The fillings were cherry, coconut, caramel, fudge, jelly, maple and Brazil nut. You can thank 7-Up Bottling Co. for this bar's demise. It bought the bar and retired it, so they'd have exclusive rights to their name, no matter the spelling.
I hope that is the candy bar you were talking about xD
I don't know. but have you tried researching it on the internet?
When Milky Way Dark first came out, I wrote to the company and said I KNEW it was the same as "Forever Yours", which was sold when I was a teenager. They wrote back, and confirmed it. Also sent me a coupon for a pound of any of their candies.