How long can I keep Bacon Grease?!
How long can I keep Bacon Grease?
It is from Easter, been in the fridge. Anyone think I shouldn't use it? I really didn't think it went bad, but want to double check myself.
Should be fine - give it a sniff. If it doesn't smell rancid then you're good to go
Unless its moldy then go ahead!!!
for like 4 days mabe
gramma always left hers out, so if yours is in the frige probally 10 times longer than forever
In this time bacon greese is colostral prone,just dump it, once you freeze it thats a no no, for a couple of day thats good after that just dump it,in this age you dont need to store bacon greese..
If it doesn't smell bad it is fine. Use your sniffer and if it smells weird at all, don't use it.
I'm sure it's fine, but don't use it more than once and don't heat it too hot. I remember reading that
doing so can cause chemical change. Carcinogens may result.
As long as it's not racid or moldy. There's no reason why you shouldnt. It's only been two month and it's in the fridge. Just think of it as your regular cooking oil. Mmmm bacon grease.