What's the longest you've gone without eating?!
What's the longest you've gone without eating?
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1 month ago
I believe it's TPN. Total Parenteral Nutrition. Looks like milk, smells like crap! ( ^ _ ^ )
1 month ago
I believe it's TPN. Total Parenteral Nutrition. Looks like milk, smells like crap! ( ^ _ ^ )
10 hours! I was asleep, though :)
A couple days.
I didn't eat dinner last night went to bed at seven didn't eat agian until 11:00 this morning.
Ive gone w/o eating for 3 days when I WASN'T sick!!!
Four days. I was working on a cruise ship's inaugural voyage and we were all so busy because we were extremely shorthanded that we didn't have time to eat.
49 hours (also no sleep during that period - was kinda squirrelly when it was done)
mabe 6 or seven hours
6 3/4 days
8 days i was sick though.
maybe 7 hrs at the most
about a week, i was in a diabetic coma for about 5 days and it took a few to stop throwing up after i came out of it unless you count that milky lookin' stuff they feed in your IV, TP or TK it's called isn't it?
6 days
1 week but i lived on water n coffee
Does Ramadan count???