What are the best tasting energy drinks? And what do they taste like?!
What are the best tasting energy drinks? And what do they taste like?
Xs Energy drinks : No sugar, No carbs (one has 2), They have some which are caffeine-free. They come in Root beer, Cherry, Lemon, Citrus, Tea Berry, Cranberry -grape, cola, tropical. They taste great!!
you can get them online at:
just click on incredible edibles, Xs energy drinks
ilike starbucks coffee not really an energy drink
but does give lots of energy.
Monster green is the best. taste great
vault and its like soda w/ a citrus taste
its awesome!
Apple juice. Tastes like apples.
Grape juice. Tastes like grapes.
I like the red mountain dew energy drink, don't remeber what its called but it tastes like red mountain dew.
A lot of people say Vault, its almost tastes like 7 up
monster favor green
its taste better then all the other monsters drinks
and is a good drink with alot of energy
rockstar ftw
i think you can get it yourself
people are different
you must think independently
mountian dew MDX tastes just like mountain dew but it gives you such a rush
The ONLY energy drink I like is the Red Bull. I prefer the bubble gum flavor, but all of their normal drinks are good. The addictive flavor is the metalic taste. I can't explain it any other way. All the other energy drink, including the Originator to Red Bull, the thai drink ( I don't remember the name) all taste nasty, and if I cant enjoy the taste, or if it is not completely gone in thirty seconds or less, I dont touch it.