Do you like dipping french fries in ice cream?!
Do you like dipping french fries in ice cream?
I just learned that a lot of people do this. My question is WHY?
I loved this question as I thought we were the only weird family to do this! Now, we don't have a habit of dipping just any type of french fries in just any ice cream, but...
I did this as a teenager when I worked at Wendy's. Wendy's french fries are awesome dipped in a Wendy's chocolate Frosty! A few years ago, I noticed my kids doing the exact same thing, but only at Wendy's. Now, its a tradition. We go there specifically to get a Frosty and fries as a snack.
Why? I don't know why its such a good combination, but it really should try it sometime!
French fries dipped into chocolate ice cream (or a chocolate shake) is delicious! I wouldn't do it for any other reason than that.
fries and frosties from wendys go together like penut butter and jelly
Oh man yea! Silly as it sounds, I like to go to Wendy's and get a large French fry and a Frosty. i don't know why, but dipping the fries into the frosty rocks! I think its a salty/sweet thing, a lot like some Asian stir-fry's.
I have never tried that. Since so many people like it, I might give it a try.
yeah that shits the best
Ive never tried it because I dont eat frenchfries anymore however when I did before I came to the US we dipped them in Mayo and some people think thats weird.
omg yes its soooooo good people think i'm weird because i do that
It's the combination of something sweet and something salty that makes it taste good.