Can you put a fruit pastille in your mouth without chewin' it?!
Can you put a fruit pastille in your mouth without chewin' it?
no they're orrible
no me digas
Yes I can.
providing I take it strait back out again yes
yeah. but not often.
No cos all you can do is chew!!!!
No. Can`t eat a jam doughnut without licking my lips either.
I did on a number of occasions as a child. I haven't tried recently. Maybe I'll buy a pack tonight...
yep easy
if you dont chew it do you have to spit it out, or swallow it whole?xxx
When you eat which step comes first;
Put food in mouth OR chew???
If you answer correctly then theoratically, YES, you can.
yeah course u can
ah man, you know I will have to go buy a pack now.
Of course ya can....... gotta suck em and see !!!
I would have thought so. If i wanted to prove the point i just would not chew. It doesnt say you cant suck or swallow it straight down or spit it back out does it?
Yeah, and especially if you leave it in the freezer for half an hour first, that's what my sister, brother and I used to do as kids, makes them last a lot longer!
Yes, someone challenged me once, saying that it was impossible, so I did it to prove a point. It's not too hard, you just have to keep it between the roof of your mouth and your tongue until it's a tiny sliver of sweet frutiness, which then dissolves...
I prefer munching through them though!
Try eating Hula Hoops without crunching them or eating a doughnut without licking your lips...
No way, they are just too darn delicious!
No!! Gotta chew, gotta chew!!
Tried it, can never do it I always chew.
no i cant. funny u asked that i bought a packet of them yesterday for the first time in years..before i knew it i had packet chewed in no time...
Takes tremendous will power more than i have
No. I love to chew chew chew on them suckas. The black and green ones are the best and when I offer one to someone I always make sure its not either of those colours!!!!
Yes I can!
Yeah, easy.....but I can't eat a pear drop without crunching it!
just about
nope!!!!! and i try all the time!