What happens when you inject Tabasco sauce in your eye?!
What happens when you inject Tabasco sauce in your eye?
Only one way to find out. Tell us how it went after you get back from the emergency room.
Nothing good, that's for sure. It'd probably burn away optic tissue. Please don't...um...do that...
Only an idiot would do that.
Heres a novel idea.................DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask the Mfg all about it instead...
u poop out your eyeball booooooooyyyyyyyaaaaahhhhhh
it burnssss!!!
You Cry!!!
You buy yourself a guide dog, because after that your gonna need one. DON'T DO IT.
Considering an eye contains hundreds of tiny blood vessels, most likely excruciating pain. The kind that makes you want to want to tear your eye out if only you could see.
Of course I wouldn't know because I wouldn't inject tabasco sauce in my eye...and neither should you.
You yell & swear & punch whatever is within arms reach.
it burns.. lol, its happened to me when i wiped my eyes with my hand... if it happens to you rinse it out as fast as possible. if it's a good hot sauce it will burn like nothing you felt before. lol
that's crazy...what are you thinking? It will definately burn and possibly cause ey damage....have a fun time in the emergency room!
uh, u might pass out from the pain and wake up in the hospital?