What would you do if chocolate were never invented? Why?!
What would you do if chocolate were never invented? Why?
i mean, everybody LOVES chocolate.
If chocolate was never invented, I would do nothing.
Why? I would not know what I was missing, right?
Invent it of course.
i would cry loud..uwaaaaa.. but i can make another..haha
Fortunately the world will never have to suffer...
Chocolate is so sinfully addictive, fattening and delicious, it might almost be good if it were never invented, lol. But that's just the sensible side talking... I'd be devastated if it were never invented!
The chocolate in solid as opposed to liquid form was perfected buy the Italians. Think of how many other great foods and drinks from vermouth to lasagna to pasta to pizza to grappa to the breadstick were invented by Italians? It makes one wonder what one would do if Italians had never been invented - and I'm not Italian