What is UHT milk?!
What is UHT milk?
I have just returned from my holiday in Bulgaria and all the milk available over there is UHT milk. 1.5% or 3% fat.
I just want to know exactly what i have been drinking?
Is it real milk with chemicals in? Is it like powder and water?
What is it????????
UHT milk is fresh milk which sterlized with high tempreture in short time without any addetive it is quit safe .
UHT is shite.
It's real milk heated to an ultra high temperature (UHT).
It's alternative name is 'long life'. It can be stored for longer before opening it.
ultra heat treated as the name suggests its boiled at a very high temp to kill of all bateria.
UHT = Ultra High Temperature
It's a common alternative to pasteurization. Milk is heated to....I think 135 degrees celsius for a few seconds. Pasteurization is I think 60 degrees celcius for something like 20 minutes. UHT milk is great because it doesnt need to be refridgerated until it is opened.
Full cream milk from commercial cows not including Jersey and Guernsey etc is about 5%fat--- the supermarket specify under 4% fat for full cream milk or whole milk: they are stealing some of the cream! UHT comes in any %fat u can get uht cream as well. It is good in hot countries as it keeps without refrigeration [using less energy not including the energy it takes to heat it] and has no additives.
UHT= ultra heat treated, all the bacteria in it is dead