Which do you perfer?!
Which do you perfer?
a) to get all that you want when shopping and to que at the checkout or
b) have partically empty shelfs and no que at the checkout
To get everything I want and queue - otherwise I'll only have to come back again for the other stuff, and chances are that time there will be a queue!
oh less choice , no que please
I'll que as long as I get what I need, I'll suffer even if I dont like it.
I prefer not to go shopping
the answer for me is A but I would really like to que a little less
I perfer no-one
A but i take something to do
What is more frsutrating then going to a shop that you know stocks yours goods and then find them out of stick and you cannot get help because everyone is on checkout!!
I would rather que - at least you would have the satisfaction of having everything you needed.
Depends if you are the type of person who does not mind queueing or not and whether you get irate or not waiting for the really slow person in front to finish packing!!!!!!
I work in Asda so hate having to serve people who moan at waiting to be served, and those who moan at not getting the things they come in for. (it's always somehow the checkout operators fault)
Anyway personally I would prefer to queue and get all I wanted.
i dont like waiting at the till