How do u make rock candy?!
How do u make rock candy?
how many cups water
how many cups suger
6 cups cold water
6 cups white sugar
Prepare your candy growing area by thoroughly cleaning and drying a 2 quart jar. You will need a place for it to rest undisturbed for about 2 weeks.
In a large bowl, place the water. Dissolve sugar in water, a little at a time, stirring each time until sugar is completely dissolved, until no more sugar can be incorporated. Pour sugar water into clean jar and place a bamboo skewer in the jar, being sure the top sticks out over the surface of the water. Cover with a cloth, to keep out dust, and let rest until all water is evaporated and crystals have formed on the skewer, several days.
NOTE: For larger crystals, try "seeding" them, by wetting your skewer and rolling it in sugar before placing it in the sugar water. Be sure not to disturb the crystals as they are growing.
we know rick candy as a medican, whisky and hard sugar rub on chest for colds.
Things You'll Need
1 cup water
2 cups sugars
paper and binder clips
food coloring
1 quart jars or glass
cotton strings
ice cream sticks
1Step OneSterilize the glass jar and paper clip by boiling both in water for a few minutes.
2Step TwoTie a short piece of kitchen string to the middle of a pencil or Popsicle stick.
3Step ThreeAttach the paper clip to the end of string. (The clip will weigh the string down - this is important later.)
4Step FourMoisten string lightly and roll in sugar (this helps the crystals form on the string).
5Step FivePlace the pencil or stick over top of a jar. Make sure clip is in the bottom of jar and the string hangs straight down into jar.
6Step SixHeat 1 cup water to boil.
7Step SevenDissolve 2 cups sugar in boiling water.
8Step EightAdd a few drops food coloring if you like.
9Step NinePour sugar syrup into jar and leave for 2 to 3 days or until crystals form on the string.
Try The amounts of sugar, water, and other ingredients depends on the amount you want to make. Some recipes use granulated sugar and confectioners sugar. There are simpler ways that don't involve threading, jarring or sitting for 2 weeks - you can pour it into a cookie sheet and break it up after it hardens the same day.