Where did the fruit grape originate from?!
Where did the fruit grape originate from?
The origin of grapes is a matter of debate. Some believe it was first found in the USSR. From here, it is said to have spread to West Asia, North Africa, India, Australia and other countries. Others believe that Central Asia was the place where grape plantations originated. Each country developed its own methods of planting in the vineyard, as a result of which taste varies from country to country. There are over 400 varieties of grapes in the world.
According to the Old Testament story, one of the first things Noah did after the ark landed was to plant a vineyard, proof that people have been enjoying grapes both as a fresh fruit and as wine since biblical times.
There are hundreds of varieties of grapes. Some are seedless but most have seeds, as did the original wild grapes. Grapes come in three skin colors: red, white (green), and blue. Some varieties have round berries, others have elongated ones. Some grapes are quite large, others are quite small. All grapes grow on vines and flourish in temperate climates in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. There are two basic types of grapes: the American and the European.
More info here -- http://www.psgrill.net/food/foodinfo/fru...
Hope this helps! ~-~