What is this thing?!
What is this thing?
My parents have this weird looking vine growing in their backyard. it has grown so tall and climbed up their cherry tree. This vine has some strange fruit/vegestable type of thing on it that apparently is edible (they keep telling me it's a type of eggplant-but don't know the name). Haven't been able to find it online. Will try to get a picture of it soon.
Description: light green, oval like shape, the size of a huge apple and is prickly-cactus like and it opens up in the crease when ripe and ready to eat. I've never tasted it so can't tell you what it tastes like.
What you have described sounds like chayote, which is a fruit. To see a picture and for more information including various ways to prepare check out the following link:
They are yummy by the way!!
Hi! This site referes to it as "LOVE IN A PUFF / BALLOON or HEART VINE " Check it out see if the picture matches yours, do Ctrl R on you keyboard and type in "Love In A Puff" And it will find it for you on the page because it is SOOO long. Hope this helps!
By the sounds of things this is a chou chou (or chow chow) also pronounced shoe shoe , tastes really good steamed boiled or lightly sauted. Please check first to make sure it is what I have said incase it is a noxious week or something......good luck