Is there any way to get the burnt stuff off my pan??!
Is there any way to get the burnt stuff off my pan??
I burnt french toast in my skillet but the burnt stuff wont come off. Is it ruined or can I save my pan???
get a brillo pad
If I can't get rid of the 'burnt stuff' I have here where I work I can guarentee you, you won't get rid of yours..
The most you can really try to do is soak it.
If it's non-stick, in no way should you ever use a brillo pad or an abrasive on it. This will, most likely, ruin a non-stick pan.
if you can get all of the raised stuff off the pan and then there is just a mark, it should still be perfectly usable.
My wife bought some stoneware from Pampered Chef and they provide these little plastic brown scrappers to clean the dishes with--those things get stuff off easily. You might be able to find them somewhere else. Here's a picture of what it looks like:
spray a little De-Solv-it in the pan and let it set for about 10 min,it should come out.
Soak it overnight in warm soapy water, then see the next day if it comes off any easier.
Try putting Hot Water or Boil water using your Pan. Then try removing it again
I have had really good luck with DAWN POWER DISOLVER. I use it all the time for just about everything. I even use it on the BBQ Just spray it on & wait 10 minutes & if it looks like it will be tough, I just use a sponge with those scratch pads on them & I have no trouble....
fill it up with water and put it back on the heat till it boils and then let it sit there
when the bubbles come up it makes all the burnt stuff move
Put water in the pan & bring it to a boil. If you have non stick use a plastic spatula and scrape the bottom after water boils for about 2-3 minutes. This will soften the burnt stuff.. I do it all the time....(Not burn food but when I do).. It does work...
My husband was a cook in the army and he is having me send this to you.
Dampen your pan slightly, sprinkle it with kool-aid powder mix, gently rub it in, in a pastey kind of way, and let it soak over night. Make sure you use enough powder mix to cover the area well. In the morning use a dish cloth and gently scrub it in. This should do the trick.
P.S. The green kind of kool-aid works best.
Get it vey hot on the stove and very carefully add some water to it, let it boil a little, then very carefully move the pan to the sink dump the water and scrub with one of those sponges covered in netting.