I need help!?!
I need help!?
I need food for my family and U know of any charities that give free food in fontana cali?
Additional Details1 month ago
because my internet is pre paid thanks for the regection....
1 month ago
because my internet is pre paid thanks for the regection....
Here's a list of soup kitchens:
And information about Federal services:
Try your local churches. Some have a food pantry for those in need.
There are 3 or 4 trucking yards, I'd get a hold of one of the major companies and ask them to send the request over there qualcomm system to the drivers coming in for a stay over or service. If your truely in need you'll receive more then necessary. Most drivers are ore then willing to donate.
Why do you have a computer if you can even feed your family? Let ALONE internet acsess!?
You need to go down to your local church or social security office. Both organisations will be able to help put you in the right direction.