Why do hot dog packets bring 10 hot dogs and the buns only bring 8?!
Why do hot dog packets bring 10 hot dogs and the buns only bring 8?
so you can give two to the dogs who don't eat buns. And please never feed a dog onions, it is poisonous to them.
Cause those people are sooooo retarded! You so have a point. =]
It's a conspiracy
To keep the dumb people busy all day. Shhhhhh....
To make you buy more so the numbers match.
That's capitalism for you.
If someone gives you a ligit answer for this one, I will be impressed. I have often wondered the same thing
it's based on an old myth from a book of fairytales, otherwise known as the bible
cuz your buyin' the wrong buns
That question has been around since Hot Dogs have been made and manufacturers have yet to answer the question. Probably too afraid to since it was the stupidest thing ever and they don't want to draw more attention to the fact. I have noticed that more and more hot dogs are coming in 10 packs due to this question though. Hope this helps!!!
Bun length hot dogs come in 8-packs, finally an end to the mismatch.
I think that is one of the more stupid things i have EVER heard. I hate it when i go to the fridge to get a hotdog and then i cook it and THEN realize that i have NO BUNS... thats stupid.. and i think that whoever it is that decided that we should only have 8 buns and 10 hotdogs...needs to go back to elementary school and learn how to count.. and make the amount of buns and hotdogs in a pack MATCH.....(ok im done with my little rant)
Two dogs for the dog.