Are tulip bulbs edible?!
Are tulip bulbs edible?
Got some tulip bulbs, but not realy into planting them. Noticed they smell like onions. Can they be eaten or substituted as onions? Any suggested recipes?
yes tulip bulbs are edible but be careful, they could have a deadly fungus that grows on the decaying bulbs, and or a special chemicle that commercial growers use to prevent them from decaying...tulips are in the lily family and most plants in that family are edible, people do use them as an onion substitute but are not as tasty....I have read that in poor times they ate them raw, some cook them with veggies and some use them as salad toppings....some have also candied them and ate be safe though, eat a very very small quantity first if no reaction then add more...
Tulip chimichangas!!
no idea, what a strange question, Ill be watching for other answers!
according to :
"All parts of tulips are edible and the bulb can be substituted for onions (although they are a little more expensive and less flavorful). The petals have little taste but can be used to garnish a dish, chop a few petals and throw them in a salad, sugar them to decorate a cake or use the entire flower for a fruit bowl, pinching out the pistil and stamen in the middle. "
I heard that the Dutch ate tulip bulbs in hard times of WW2- not substituting for onions- just eating them. That made it sound horrible, but I guess they'd be good cooked (maybe like a shallot?)
I would not eat the ones you have. Unless they labeled food quality or edible, they have probably been treated with some type of pestiside that would at best make you really sick, at worst - dead.
Since you are on Yahoo! - check out the freecycle Yahoo! group and see if there is a group local to you. Join it and post those bulbs. I sure there is a gardner that would love to have them....