Why does honey crystallize, and is it still OK to eat?!
Why does honey crystallize, and is it still OK to eat?
it crystallizes because additional moisture was absorbed from the air. just put it in a pan of warm water or the microwave and it will liquify again. never put it in the refrigerator.
i am a beekeeper
The honey was stored in the wrong temp. You can microwave it back to liquid, its still ok to eat either way.
Honey is the ONE food that NEVER goes bad.... so I have heard!
Try telling your Mother that honey doesnt belong in the fridge... No one listens..... I think it crystalizes because of air.. I know it might sound stupid.... But thats the only logic I can come up with.... It is ok to eat. Also you can put alittle in the microwave and go from there. Watch carefully though.
It crystallizes because the sugar solution is very dense, and if left alone, will eventually start coming out of solution.
Yes, it's fine to eat. If you want to de-crystallize it, just heat it up in a double boiler or in the glass jar in a pot of hot water until the crystals dissolve.
The sugars separate from the other stuff in the honey, causing it to crystalize. And yes, it is still okay to eat.,