Any1 changed from drinkin cow milk to soya bean milk entirely ?!
Any1 changed from drinkin cow milk to soya bean milk entirely ?
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1 month ago
since soyabean milk can prevent or alleviate cancer plus it's got lots of good things..and none of the bad ones ...except if u add too much sugar.
1 month ago
since soyabean milk can prevent or alleviate cancer plus it's got lots of good things..and none of the bad ones ...except if u add too much sugar.
Yes, I did! But it's not like I did it because I didn't like the taste of cow's just that after I tried drinking soy bean milk, I really liked it. Personally, soy milk tastes so much better and it's just as good for your health like milk but in other ways. Also, soy milk is good for those that are lactose!
Organic Soy Milk Plain (from cosco)
Yeah. I live in Taiwan, where everyone drinks and sells natural "homemade" soy milk. I use it in cooking and drinking. Evey morning, I can buy unsweetened soy milk that was made that day. I have also made my own soy milk, which is a bit ridiculous since it is very cheap to buy here.