Can you overdose on ice cream?!
Can you overdose on ice cream?
well you don't want to overdose on anything, except probably water. But Im pretty sure eating a whole lot of ice cream isn't good.
Well, too much of anything isnt a good thing...even ice cream!
I don't think you can die, lol like if you overdosed on drugs an stuff, but since ice-cream contains so much sugar you might get a high level of sugar in your blood and worse yet diabetes. Brain freeze might also result from an icr-cream overdose.
yes you can overdose on anything....if you were a 150lb person and you ate 250lbs of icecream that would be an overdose and result in instant death...cept with your cASE YOU DIDNT EAT 250LBS SO IT WILL TAKE LONGER TO KILL YOU....YOU WILL BE DEAD IN 6 HOURS MAX...
i don't think so but too much might hurt your stomach :(
no but can get brain freeze and really sick from eatting too much then ur body can handle