What should i get from the corner store?!
What should i get from the corner store?
im kinda hungry, what should i snack upon,
Chips and juice.
Hostess cupcakes or bananas.
Oh and don't forget the jug wine.
something healthy like fruits or veggies
get a bag of Doritos's and a 211
a Bagel
Hmm.. how about some Doritos. Oh and pick me up some Sun Chips while you at it =)
packet of chips and a coke does it all
Bay of Frito's and a twelve pack of Bud :))
pot noodle beef and tomatoe............. yummmmmmmmmm
Some right angles.
I guess if you are going to a corner store...might as well buy a corner.
JK, go there and take a look...you'll figure out what you really want to munch on.
a hershey almond candy bar
beef jerky
and a monster or rockstar energy drink
Any thing you like
Chowards candy?? maybe something to drink??
u can have any thing near ur corner. make shure it is fat free .
snickers and a dr. pepper
Chicken Noodle Soup with a Salad on the side.
"we decided that we would have a soda...
my favorite flavor, cherry red...
...You can't always get what you want...
But if you try sometime, you just might find...
you get what you need"...
(excerpted from the Rolling Stones)...
Pizza and beer!