What can I eat with an upset stomach?!
What can I eat with an upset stomach?
I've been eating saltines, and I'm tired of it. I need something to fill me up. I'm starving, but I'm afraid to try anything else. I don't have any soup. I have chicken broth. Should I make pasta and put it with the broth? Or tell me something else I can eat. Please & thank you!
Pasta and broth would be good because it is bland. Also, oatmeal and toast might be good as well. Avoid any foods with a lot of acidity, because they could irritate your stomach. Hope you feel better!
How bout some bread.
Make chicken noodle soup. A cure all from way back.
Chase it with some pepto.
Have a cup of hot tea and some plain white rice. Hope you feel better soon.
Sprite always helps me when I have an upset tummy. I try not to put anything heavy on my stomach though. You can try things like pudding and jello. The chicken broth would be good, but you may not be able to tolerate the noodles if it's too bad, but you could give it a try. Hope you feel better soon.
Try eating a banana. They not only digest easily but they also benefit you by neutralizing any acid that is in your stomach.
I just went through that this week so I sympathize!
Bullion cubes with cooked rice, or cooked rice (use your broth as the 'water' in it) Add a bit extra broth and you have 'soup.
Stay away from milk products
Also, a banana is okay and you may tolerate it. freeze it and slowly eat it.
Toast, butter and cinnamon sugar is my daughter's fav when she is sick.
BRATS diet.
If you're stomach hurts so bad just make some weak broth, add water to it to do that and sip it. Don't add anything to it.
boiled rice or pasta. Dry toast with vegemite ( contains vitamin B ) Plain potato chips - i lived on them when i was pregnant
jello or soup ??
maybe a little cottage cheese i would take mylanta for the stomach or alka seltzer i almost died i am not kidding from a bad ulcer stomach about 10 yrs ago and mylanta helped me so much it saved my life i know with out i was at the point that i just couldnt eat anything at all anymore mylanta is OTC over the counter
It sounds as though your system needs to rest, or the sick feeling will start all over. I usually take a Vernors, Jell-O, and a can of Cream of Mushroom or Cream of Chicken. You could try the pasta with broth..just don't consume a large amount of it at once. Eat smaller meals until you're feeling better.
Bananas are fabulous for upset tummies, help to mellow the symptoms and are full of protein so have lots of nourishment you need. Also whenever I have an upset tum I eat a bag of marshmallows. Marshmallow is a natural extract which has proven medicinal properties to ease upsets. Make sure they are "proper" marshmallows though and not the silly "flump" things you can get.
ginger ale/schwepps/sprite WITHOUT the fizz! eat some plain pasta.. plain but its good for an upset stomach
Jello, broth, 7up, ginger ale. You could put the pasta in your broth and make like a chicken soup. Hot tea is also good, mint.