How to store ginger roots?!
How to store ginger roots?
bought fresh ginger roots from supermarket but i can't store it for a long time without spoiling on me . I tried a plastic bag with humid scott towel and put it in fridge, tried wrapped only in dry scott towel and in a plastic bag and fridge but no success still
Freeze it. You can freeze fresh ginger root for long periods of time.
Freeze it
The only way to do it, is to get a container or maybe a bag fiiled with sand.
Then you put the ginger roots inside.
Put it in a cool place.
I garantee you that it will last a very very long time.
I freeze mine.....just don't let it thaw....I freeze them and then as I need to use, I use a micro-plane to grate it, comes out like little ginger snow all over the food....preserves flavor and keeps for a long time.
The old-fashioned way was to store in a pot of sand, but I've always found that I can buy very small pieces of ginger in the supermarket (enough for a couple of weeks) and they last quite well in the fridge just loose.