How long can you keep fresh egg pasta in the fridge?!
How long can you keep fresh egg pasta in the fridge?
I made some fresh egg pasta yesterday, normally make it 24 hours in advance. How long can it be kept refrigerated before it goes bad? I know you can freeze it for up to three months but I dont want to do that.
One to two days Max!
Just spent 2 weeks learning pasta technique in Sardinia!
why don't you just let it dry out then you can store it forever
The standing rule in my house is, leftover food is to be left in the fridge for no more than 2 days (48hrs). unless it is frozen. frozen food is good until i clean out the freezer about once every 3 months. when you live in a house with two big dogs you will find that leftover food has a way of falling out of your refridgerator with a little help from the 6 yr old into the dogs hope you do not have that problem with your egg pasta
i dunno look at the date expiration lol
it should say on the package, but i bought some yesterday and says you can refrigerate it until 3rd July 07 so hope that gives you an idea( if it isnt opened)
I wouldn't keep it any longer than 3 days just to be on the safe side
You should dry it, not keep it in the refrigerator. It won't go "bad" but it will become gummy from the humidity in the refrigerator.