Will corn be ok at room temperature over night?!
Will corn be ok at room temperature over night?
I bought sweet corn for the Holiday and I'm wondering if it's ok to schuck it today and leave it in water overnight at room temp? My husband says it will lose it's flavor. Anybody know?
Why leave it soaking? On the counter I think it'd be fine, but in the water is not a great idea... I agree with your husband here, it'd get water logged and lose flavor and texture.
It will be ok......but you would be better off to leave the husk ON. You can pull back the husk, leaving it intact, remove the silk, pull husks back up around the ears and soak in water at room temp........then throw on the grill, husk and all for the juiciest roast corn. You will have a taste treat for sure.
Hubby's right
You will leach the starch somewhat.
I definitely wouldn't put it in water. You can buy corn already peeled in the stores, so if you have to peel it the night before, store it in a ziploc bag so it doesn't dry out.