When you're feeling hungry, what food do you snack on, and why?!
When you're feeling hungry, what food do you snack on, and why?
Pistachio nuts, because they are tasty and relatively good for you
potato chips from marks and spencers or grapes or sucking the dirt off potatoes or eating my sons white chalk....It depends how I feel
breakfast cereal... dry shredded wheat... honey nut loops.... chocolate pillows... big box 2 quid....
if you're feeling hungry but only 'snacking' hungry, then this could be your body mistaking thirst for hunger. usually if i'm hungry it's because it's mealtime, so i'll eat a meal. if not, i'll have a glass of water or fruit juice to tide me over til mealtime.
When Im feeling hungry, I eat anything.
When Im NOT hungry, I snack on anything.
Why? hunger....boredom, procrastination.
I eat a carrot (really healthy and it makes you chew for a long time,so you forget your hunger), water (good for our health and fills your stomach),a cereal bar (a few calories and erases your hunger) and many others....
if your feeling hungry your body is asking for water. I drink a glass of water or milk and i normally eat a hand full of grapes or carrots and i'm fine.
oreo's and peanut butter with a glass of milk.
ginko biloba, is one of the few remaining prehistoric species of plant still surviving
It does not seem to do well in chalky soil, so you will need to acidify the soil, but I have not had any experience of this myself
custard cream biscuits
McDonalds because it is quick and easy to walk round the high street. I don't have to worry about cooking and cleaning afterwards.
Yogurt or home made ice cream,it has to be home made because its really sweet and creamy and that's what i crave for when i get a bit peckish.
Dry bread mostly, unless I can be bothered to get the juicer out and raid my stock of chilled fruit in the fridge to make a nice healthy drink. Orange, Apple, Green Grape, Red Grape and strawberries is my favourite - yum :)
I drink water and eat fruit, XD, or cochlotte depening on my mood and wat i am doing, eating a pack of frizzers, right now, lol
Carrots. They are crunchy, contain sugar which gives you an energy boost, and they take a long time to digest, so you will not feel hungry again for quite a while
Cheese and crackers. Yum!
When i feel like snacking, I eat a cup of vanilla ice cream. ( that is, when i have it.) However, if no icre ceam is available tostitos dipped in sour cream covered in cheese is good enough for me.
grapes, cherries, berries, anything that is bite sized and healthy =]
Cookies or fruits. (--,)
i like to snack on cheese sticks because they have calcium.
fruit because its healthy.
chips because they taste good!
Pretzels and dip them in Italian dressing! yummmmm
i eat anything usally lunchables cus there smaller then actual meals but can still fill u up enough untill dinner or what ever.. somtimes debbies cakes jus cus i like cakes.lol.. or a sandwich. there easy to make and fast.
i snack on a peanut butter and jelly because it is so good
Fresh fruit with sherbert is always a treat, especially on a hot day
yogurt its low fat
what is handy. answer for why is- because hungry!
anything simple to make or that you can just grab and eat. tuna, eggs (breakfast food), gernola bar, noddles, peanut butter crackers, fruit. why, because it all quick and easy.
Pop Pan Crackers- chives. Delicious and healthy too.