How long does it take to get the chocolate craving gone?!
How long does it take to get the chocolate craving gone?
It has been two days without chocolate. How long does it take to get the craving to stop? I WANT CHOCOLATE, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please send chocolate. Oh, I did have chocolate at our dinner today. I still need chocolate.
it's all in your head. You have a desire for something sweet because your use to it. The best alternative is honey. have a table spoon or so maybe with a banana on toast or something, bc the sugar in it is better for your body since it actually uses it and doesn't just turn it into fat... why are you dodging chocolate?
About 3 bites in to a candybar.
OMG I am such a chocolate lover, how did you go 2 days without it? I don't think the craving ever goes away. I stopped smoking last Nov and I think I handled it better than ever quitting chocolate....good luck
It's been years since I read an article about potasium in bananas curbing chocolate cravings. Friends have reported that it works. Extreme chocohalics would just dip the nanner in chocolate syrup.
I know from experience, after craving a Snickers for ages, it goes away after you've finished eating it.
I'm afraid you can't get rid of the craving. Chocolate is a real problem, haha. Your just going to have to indulge.
i gave up chocolate for lent and the cravings started to go away after about a week. hang in there.
Another Chocolate-Holic Like Me, Huh? Well, I Heard the other day that DARK Chocolate is good for the Heart.>>>So, thats good news, I think. As Far as the Craving goes>>>>I just don't think it Leaves, EVER!! If I Don't See It, I Can Hold OUT Two Days, Otherwise, I Cave in as soon As It Is In My Sight! (smile) Really.
few bits then you want some thing else.