How do you dry an apple?!
How do you dry an apple?
meaning how to make dry apple like raisins are from grapes
A commercial electric food dehydrator is the most reliable method of drying fruit.
"How to Make Dried Fruit Snacks at Home Using Washington Grown Apples and Pears From Fruit From Washington"
Fruit roll-ups, fruit leather, dried apples, dried pears and other delicious dehydrated fruit snacks - Start with a good quantity of fruit! The process of drying fruit removes moisture which results in considerable shrinkage of volume of fruit.
You will need to start with a lot of fruit to be sure of a good quantity of dried product at the end of the process!
Dehydration-The Drying Process
Drying Apples
Select firm textured apples for drying.
To prepare the fruit, wash and slice into 1/4 to 1/2 inch slices.
Pre-treat with a lemon juice/water solution (1 cup of lemon juice to 1 quart of water) or an Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) solution to prevent browning.
Place slices onto drying rack.
Dry fruit at 135° F.
When fruit is pliable and there is no sign of moisture it can be stored in air tight bags or jars.
After proper drying, apples and pears will keep in a cool, dry place from six months to a year.
To find out more about different recipes using fruit - check out this link. This is where I found the information for you:
Good luck!