Can you guess what was the worse thing I ever ate?!
Can you guess what was the worse thing I ever ate?
Most people would say " thats nasty!"
Bugs, cows tongue, brains, eyeballs, guts, testicles, somethings fetus, pigs snout, feces, decaying flesh, raw eggs, bodily fluid, or bugers?
mountain oysters?
then again, most ppl would say "that's nasty"...even tho they have at least tried....
ooh! worms! now thast nasty!
Calf brains
Have you ever gotten your red wings? now thats nasty.
A woman I woke up with once! Ugh!
She was one mean coyote! You knew her too? Ugh!
Cooked Turtle,,,,,,,,,,,,,???
Worms, Cat, Dog, Duck, Sushi.
a big, fat, sweaty pu$$y
human brain?