What kind of milk?!
What kind of milk?
1%, 2%, Whole milk or non-fat which milk do you drink or like the best?
Fresh from the cow,non pasturized!
Dairy farmer!
1%. for some reason it tastes good.
2% White Milk
most places/people offer you skim or 2%... so by getting used to 1% milk, when I have to switch to a different type, it's not THAT different taste wise! : P
i drink skim milk. I'm so used to it other types taste wierd to me
once I got used to it, the others tastes funny.
whole milk. the other reduced percent milks have absolutley nothing essential in it ,wich defeats the [purpose of drinking milk in the first place
I love whole milk, but have restricted myself to 2% and Nonfat.
I hate milk. I use Rice Dream on my cereal. If i had to put regular milk on it I would use skim. The best milk i know of is Guernsey Chocolate Milk. Guernsey's is a dairy in Northville, MI so if you don't live near there you will be missing out.
Skim milk.
For years I could only get my family to drink whole milk, but a year ago switched to 2% and when someone else bought whole by mistake my daughter said it was horrible! Wouldn't want less than 2% though.