Are pickles good or bad for you?!
Are pickles good or bad for you?
well there are a couple good things about pickles....
1 they are low in calories
2 they are fat free
3 ARE Vegetables
the only bad thing is they are somewhat salty.....however most nutritionist believe them to be a "free" food as in they arent good or bad for you......
They usually have no fat and very low to zero calories, they're made from cucumber, a vegetable, and they have vinegar in them usually, which is a very cleansing type chemical in the human body, so I would say good. In moderation, of course.
yes they are good for you.
pickles have good electrolytes for u. that's why u always see people at soccer games et cetera eating them. but they also very high in salt.
just remember that anything in excess can be bad for u.
Pickles are very good for you for the reasons mentioned above, but need to be eaten in moderation. Excess sodium intake causes many health problems and can lead to hypertension, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. Sodium is a primary preservative used in the pickling process.
Depends on where you put them
They are pretty low in calories, but are high in sugar and sodium.
good for you especially the sour ones
Dill Pickles are good for you with the exection of the salt
Sweet pickles are bad for you because of the sugar (carbs and Calories)
Pickles are good for you.