If you could only pick one which one would you pick ?!
If you could only pick one which one would you pick ?
Coffee or beer ?
It would have to be coffee. I don't wake up too well with beer.
Starbucks! Starbucks! Starbucks!
Coffee, don't like beer
Has to be coffee, Especially first thingin the morning,
Coffee, decaf.
ohhhhh hands down... BEER !!!!!!! hate the taste of coffee..
Ummm......it depends on the time of beer.
They're both fine beverages but if I only had one, I'd stick with coffee.
Coffee, definitely. I get a caffeine withdrawal headache if I don't drink coffee And I get a hangover headache if I ~do~ drink beer!
hmmmm.....beer is bad for you but then again so is coffee. but coffee tastes better....so COFFEE!!