Propane tank converter question...?!
Propane tank converter question...?
I have a nice full size Weber grill which uses a standard 20 pound propane tank. I am no longer allowed to use this size tank in my condominium community. The only grills permitted are electric grills (no WAY) or smaller gas grills that use the 1 pound disposable tanks. I know in many instances that the companies who make these smaller grills have a converter that you can buy to allow a 20 pound tank to be used with their grill.
MY question is... Does anyone make a converter to allow someone to use a small 1 pound disposable tank with a full size grill? Any ideas??? Thanks...
Check at Lowes or HomeDepot. There is a fitting you can buy to allow a small bottle to fit a large grill.
Check at camping and sports stores also trailer, RV and mobile home stores.