Why do milkman still exist?!
Why do milkman still exist?
When you can get it from your local supermarket down the road for half the price
Additional Details3 weeks ago
you can also order online your groceries if you are home bound.
3 weeks ago
this was my most boring question ever, god damn im slacking.
3 weeks ago
you can also order online your groceries if you are home bound.
3 weeks ago
this was my most boring question ever, god damn im slacking.
Its a good question!! There would be no point in having a milkman in the area i live - the milk would just get nicked! I loved it wen i was a kid - the milk used to freeze in the winter and when you drank it it would have lumps of ice in it! Those were the days!!
Home bound.
Plp are lazy...Now we get tesco and asda o bring us EVERYTHING!
We have a milkman.. milk is the same price as it is at the shop.. and I don't have to remember to buy any, it just appears on my doorstep every 2nd day!
Some people, especially older people, cannot leave their homes to buy milk so they use the milkman. Also, some people just like the old-fashioned way of doing things.
Milk is usually better. In glass bottles (at least around here they are). Convince.
Why do you still exist? Just to piss people off?
Your right, my milkman was a right miserable old d*ckhead so i sacked his as*.
Perhaps the bored housewife's still need them.
cos there are some old ppl out there or frail ppl that cant get to the shop to bye it so they get it delivered by the milkman
ive still got a milkman, its tradition lol
because they give the postman a break from the barking dogs...lol
My "milkman" is a milkwoman, and the milk is the same price as the store. We take 13 litres of milk every 2 days, so its nice to have it delivered to the door. She also delivers jugs of bottled water - which is nice, cause its a pain in the back to get at the store.
because we sponge him
i thought they only existed a long time ago!