Bread "best if purchased by" date?!
Bread "best if purchased by" date?
I have a loaf of bread that says "best if purchased by May 22". It has been in the fridge since I bought it a few weeks ago. Is it still good? There is no evidence of anything funky growing on it. I'm hungry!
If you don't see mold (green spots) on it, it's ok..
next time throw it in the freezer....
It is probably still good. I personally would eat it, as long as there is no mold on it. Lol.
Yes, it is fine as long as their is no mold but look carefully.
Enjoy and make me a sandwich too ;~)
eat it if it has no mold it is fine
It would keep longer in the fridge, and you should have had at least a week to consume it after the sell by date.
If there is nothing growing I would totally eat it.
Yes, bread tends to get very hard and stale a few days after the date listed on the package. I advise throwing it out.
If there is no mold it's fine to eat, but storing bread in the fridge causes it to go stale. Your best bet is to take half of it out and store it in a zip-lock bag on the counter and keep the rest in the freezer until you need it.