QUICK is it ok to grill frozen burgers? How do I defrost?!
QUICK is it ok to grill frozen burgers? How do I defrost?
I have 4 burgers and they're frozen solid stuck together.
Microwave for a minute, or straight on the grill?
Fries are going to burn... hurry
I just cooked them tonight, and I put them on the grill frozen, and guess what they were not ruined, they were delicios. I seasoned them after flipping them, and my family thought they were great!!
microwave for a min
Either way, you'll ruin them burgers. You simply cannot defrost 'em like that. Your microwave should have a defrost setting. Follow the instructions and do it that way. Your charcoal will take a good twenty minutes to burn down to usable coals anyway, so you've got the time you need.